Thursday, December 10, 2015

We've Moved

Hey Friends!

We've moved. Check out the new blog at. 

Travel on Stimulock - Helpful hints on what to eat, when you eat out.

Hey friends! With the Holiday's coming up, my guess is that you might be spending a lot of time in your car. With travel comes fast food and eating out. Understandable. I wanted to help you out so that you can eat the best you can while on the road. 

A few months back I wrote about what you can eat at Chipotle -> check it out here. Chipotle is my go-to during Stimulock if I do not want to cook, or we are out and about. Plus it's extremely delicious. 

Here are some other ideas for you. **Keep in mind that these aren't all 100% protocol, but they are as close as you might find while on the road, and better than other options.

Subway - Salad with grilled chicken, veggies, and lemon as the dressing. If you HAVE to get one of their dressings, get it on the side and dip your fork in it, in order to get the least amount of dressing as possible. 

Chipotle -  Chicken or beef, any of the salsas, half a scoop of corn, lettuce :) YUMMY!

Jimmy Johns - Turkey Un-wich w/ veggies, or a Tuna Un-wich. Have them really strain the tuna so there is minimal sauce on it. 

Applebees -  Oriental Chicken Salad - Dressing on this side, no Asian noodles, no nuts. Just lettuce, cabbage, and chicken. You can ask for tomatoes too as well. Switch out the dressing for the Balsamic Vinaigrette if you'd like, the Asian dressing that comes with this is STRAIGHT sugar.

Wendy's - 2 Value menu burgers w/ lettuce, tomato, onion (if you like it) and mustard. Toss the bun! Eat the patty and veggies. 

Chick-Fil-A - Grilled chicken sandwich with veggies. Have them wrap it in a lettuce leaf, vs. a bun. They will do it...and it will be their pleasure. ;)

Gas Station - Many truck stops will have boiled eggs and fruit for you to choose. Don't worry, the boiled eggs are fresh, just double check if it makes you feel better. 

Sit Down Restaurants - Ask for steak, chicken, or fish cooked on open flame - NO OIL, NO BUTTER, NOTHING. Just meat and heat. Ask what their veggies are cooked in, many times they will be cooked in butter. If that is the case, as for raw or steamed veggies. You can also do a salad - bring your own dressing, or use salsa.

This may all seem overwhelming right now, but trust me, you will eventually know all of this by heart, and you will be making wonderful progress so you won't care if your husband and daughter are eating french fries. Be healthy for you. If there is one thing I can stress it is that. Be healthy because you are only given one body, take care of it the best you can! If you're on Stimulock, you are already on the right track. 

You're going to do great! Stay motivated and don't feel bad about asking your practitioner for help and advice. That is what she is there for. 

Merry Christmas!!

Travel Photo Credit: Deeply Rooted Magazine Blog, Vine & Light - check it out! 
To give them a quick shout out. Deeply Rooted Magazine has been a blessing in my life. It is a Biblical based magazine filled with fun, real life stories, advice, and incredible photography!   


I'm going for it.

I've decided to go for it. I've decided to lose weight with Stimulock DURING the Holiday season. I'm going to do it. I'm fully aware of how hard it is going to be, especially when I'm in Arkansas for Christmas, but I do not want to wait until 2016 to lose these extra pounds I picked up over the past year. 

So, there she is, in all of her brown glass glory. Sitting on my desk as a constant reminder to stay on track.

Crazy, I know, I am crazy to even attempt, but I figure if I do deviate from the program, I won't gain any extra weight, just add back what I've already lost. 

This is an experiment. I will let you know how it goes! 
Wish me luck! 

Merry Christmas yall!

Monday, September 14, 2015

NSV - Non-Scale Victories

Each day you wake up, use the restroom, and weigh yourself. Day after day you are extremely encouraged that you are dropping weight consistently, but what happens when you weigh yourself and you didn't lose?

What do you do?
A. You freak out?
B. Get discouraged?
C. Go back over your food from yesterday in your journal to see what could have gone wrong?
D. All of the above

Answer, C. There might be times throughout your journey that you stumble upon a day or two that you can't see your loss on the scale. First ask yourself: Did I drink ALL of my water? Did I Eat ALL of my food? Did I deviate from protocol? Did I exercise and not add in my extra protein? (Women, am I on or about to start my monthly cycle?) If you answer to all of this is yes, you didn't cheat, and you aren't PMS'ing, then what went wrong?

Truth is, our bodies can be stubborn from time to time. If you've spent a long time at your current weight in your past, then it could be that your body is trying to over come the hurdle, and it may take a couple of days to get your down.

Or, you just had an off day. Maybe your food was cooked in oil and you didn't know, or you're truly just having a "bloated day" and your body is holding on to extra water for some reason.

So how do you stay motivated?

 NSV - Non-Scale Victories

- Measurements. How many inches have you lost?
- Clothes. Are your clothes fitting looser? Are you able to wear old shirts/jeans you haven't been able to fit in in a while?
- Sleep. Do you sleep better?
- Energy. Do you NEED that afternoon soda or coffee to stay awake around 2:30PM at the office?
- Feel. How do you feel? Can you say no to bad foods easier? Do you feel overall healthier?

When our bodies are taking in only the good foods that HELP them, you will see and feel changes in all of these areas.

Don't get discouraged, if you don't lose every single day after you've been on Stimulock for a few weeks. It happens to all of us. Keep going! Stick to the good foods, drink your water, and you will be back on track before you know it.

If you experience more than 3 days of no weight loss on the scale, contact your practitioner. We WANT to help you succeed. We can give you ideas on what might be happening or tell you how you might alter your diet for a day or so.

Never give up! Focus on the NSV - Non-Scale Victories

Happy Losing!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Summer Struggle

Summer Struggle.

You know what I'm talking about. It's hot, you want something cold. Ice Cream to be exact, and one cone won't hurt you....

That was my summer...every day. I struggled bad. I gained some weight and my clothes are fitting extremely tight. What does that mean for me?

Stimulock to the rescue. I'm back on the Stimulock System and I am feeling great. 1 week in and down 11 pounds. Did I mention I ate ice cream a lot...and that I went to Europe for two weeks. Yea, It wasn't the "healthiest" summer for me. Plus all they eat in Italy/France/Greece/Turkey is pasta and bread. (That's me with one of many gelato's I had!)

I know that when I eat bad I feel it, almost instantly. I'm sleepy, my face is greasy, I feel sluggish, bloated, and just all around gross.

I'm thankful I know what I can do to get healthy again! Stimulock is my saving grace. There is no greater feeling than knowing that what you have been putting in your body is actually HELPING your body.

So I'm back on the StimSystem and happy to be! It's easy to say no to bad foods when you feel so great. Plus I'm going to NYC and Vegas soon for a girls weekend and work and I wouldn't mind looking my best! Upcoming travel always motivates me. OH! and I'll be celebrating my 27th birthday, so I have some goals to reach before then.

Wish me luck, and follow along! I'd love to hear about your success.

What's for dinner?
- Tonight I am eating grilled pork chops and onions. YUMMY!

Talk to you soon!

Friday, May 22, 2015

So, I've Been Working Out...

So, I've been working out now, every day for a least 1 hour at a time, if not more, for almost two weeks now.

With that said, my weight loss has been SLOW. SLOW. SLOW. SLOW.

"muscle weighs more than fat", you say.

"I know", I say.

However, I am still training my mind on how to NOT freak out when I step on the scale in the morning and it's either the exact same from the day before, or only down .1....yes there is a decimal point in front of that 1...meaning 1/10 of a pound.

Truth is, muscle does weigh more than fat, and I have GOT to tone up from that 40-50lb weight loss from 2 years ago. I have kept my weight pretty steady, but my flabby still here. (that was a real moment, FYI)

I have decided today after my 20 minute run, and 40 minutes of weight training, that I can no longer go off of the scale. I have to base my success on inches lost and over all feeling of health. I have to listen to my body and learn that exercise is GREAT for my long term health, and at the age of 26 I can no longer make excuses, of ANY kind, as to why I did not sweat that day.

So cheers to getting healthy on the inside and the out, toning up flabby skin, and retraining my mind.

PS. I forgot to mention that it was arm day today, so the sheer fact that I can even type this right now is a miracle in and of itself. ;)

PSS. I Googled "Water Bottle Cheers" to get that're welcome.

Love you all! Stick with it! Healthy is the new black, it goes with everything. 

PSSS. Is that too many PS's? Either way, remember to eat your 2oz of EXTRA protein for every 30 minutes of weight loss! You're body needs to to build muscle! 

Monday, May 18, 2015

I Forgot To Cook Lunch!

We've all been there. It's 6:00AM, you're getting ready for work, and it hits you. You forgot to cook lunch. This is a pivotal moment in your Stimulock journey. Do you eat out and chance getting sugars and fats in your body? Do you skip lunch and cross your fingers your stomach doesn't eat your kidneys and you don't stall in weight loss from not eating? Do you grab that container with 3 day old left overs and cross your fingers it doesn't make you sick?

To all of this...I say "NO".

You make something good to eat, that is protocol friendly, that will actually HELP you lose weight, and keep you satisfied until dinner.

This was my morning.

What did I do, you ask? While cooking my breakfast, I quickly thawed out some chicken breast, cut them up, cooked them in the skillet with coconut oil, and mixed up some of my favorite SUPER FAST orange chicken marinade, poured it on, portioned it out, and tada!! LUNCH WAS SAVED. It took me 10 minutes tops to do all of that.

Some days when this happens I opt for tuna, but I wasn't feeling it this morning...I actually like to look forward to the food I'm eating at lunch, not avoid it, so orange chicken it was.

Click here to see my Orange Chicken Recipe! You will NOT be sorry. Literally, you'll want to drink the marinade.

Berry Delicious

Berry Delicious...

Cheesy, I know, but it totally is. 

Summer! Summer is my absolute favorite time of the year, mainly because of the sun and I despise being cold, but also for the fresh veggies and fruit the season brings. When JW and I went shopping this weekend, we saw a great deal on berries so we snagged some up.

Since I HAVE to switch my food options up as much as possible, I mixed together blueberries, strawberries, and Stevia. 

Tada...that's it. I eat 1/2C for my fruit servings. Typically I save my fruit for either mid morning, or after my meals as dessert. 


Monday, May 4, 2015

Meal Prep Sunday

For a while now "meal prep Sunday" has been super popular across my social media time lines and on Pinterest. Everyone is trying their best to get ready for summer, and by prepping all of their meals for the week, in one day, they are setting themselves up for success, saving money, and saving a boat load of time throughout the week. 

So, I gave it a try. Now, I didn't cook EVERY meal I was going to eat for the week, as you are well aware, an egg and toast takes no time cook in the mornings, but you could boil all your week long eggs for an easy grab and go. Here is what we did. 

The photo above shows a few different meals. 
- Taco Salad
- Hamburger Patties
- A LARGE tub of grilled chicken tenders
- Grilled Squash & cut up Cucumbers

In the Freezer:
Cooked shrimp,

Here's my menu for the week
Mon - Sun -- Egg & Toast for Breakfast 
Mon - Sun -- two servings of fruit each day

L - 5 oz Hamburger Patties 1 C sliced cucumbers
D - 5 oz Grilled Chicken 1 C grilled Squash -- Green Smoothie


L - 5 oz Grilled Chicken 1 C sliced Cucumbers
D - 5 oz Hamburger patties 1 C Sliced Cucumbers -- Green Smoothie

L - 5 oz Grilled Chicken 1 C sliced Cucumbers
D - 7 oz boiled shrimp 1 C squash chips (these are just raw squash--I like the crunch)
-- Green Smoothie

L - 7 oz boiled Shrimp 1 C squash chips
D - Taco Salad 1/2 C Salsa 1/2 other veggies on top of salad

L - Taco Salad 1/2 C Salsa 1/2 other veggies on top of salad
D - Orange Chicken, 1 C cauliflower 

L - Orange Chicken, 1 C cauliflower
D - Meal at a wedding we are attending (steak and veggies :) ) 

L - Salad at a restaurant with friends after church
D - Spaghetti (zoodles, meat, spaghetti sauce)

-Meal prep for the next week

I know that was a lot, but I think prepping on Sunday's will not only save us a TON of time since we are extremely busy, but it will help set us up for success and help us save money by not going out to eat because we don't want to cook. 

Disclaimer*** My husband is in class Monday - Wednesday Nights so we typically have burgers, eggs, or chicken on those days because it's easy. If you don't like having the same meal more than once in the same week, you might want to get more creative with your cooking. This works for us though. Boiled shrimp is an EASY and fast meal on Wednesday's because I don't come home between work and church and I can thaw it out during the day and just measure it out at church and have a "no-brainier dinner".

Something else we do to set ourselves up for success is, we don't keep anything in the house that isn't Stimulock Protocol. This is easier for us I am sure since we do not have children and we are both eating the Stimulock Protocol meals. Once again, this works for us, but might not work for you. Find what does work for you and stick to it! You will reach your goal! 

Happy Monday everyone!

** a gazillion eggs, lime juice, meal prep containers for the work week, green tea sweetened with Stevia, Huge jug of salsa, Sugar free jellos, and a drawer FULL of veggies. YUM!


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Honey Dijon Pork Chops - Hold the Honey, but you'd never know

Hi Friends!

We eat pork chops probably once a week, so it is important for me to find different ways to cook them. I have found a new way, and it is yummy! Enjoy!

Honey Dijon Pork Chops - Hold the Honey

Here’s a great Pork Chop recipe that keeps your chops super moist and delicious. I made these last night and my husband loved them. This recipe makes 2 pork chops, so double if wanting to make more, is GREAT as left overs.
  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp stevia
  • 3 pork chops 1 inch thick, trim all fat
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • fresh ground pepper
  • 3 tbsp chopped onion
  • 3/4 cup fat free chicken stock
  • 1 tbsp dijon mustard
  • 1.5 tsp Parsley
  • Heat the coconut oil over low heat.
  • Season pork with salt and pepper.
  • Add Pork Chops to the pan and raise the heat to medium.
  • Sauté for 7 minutes on each side (14 mins total).
  • Remove the chops and put in a warm spot.
  • Add the onion to the pan and cook, stirring, until soft.
  • Add the chicken stock and boil until it reduces to about a 1/2 cup.
  • Stir in the stevia, mustard, and parsley.
  • Add the pork chops turning once to coat and service with a bit of the sauce

REMEMBER - APRIL ONLY $20 OFF Stimulock Bottles Refer a friend and get $40 off!

Thursday, February 5, 2015


The clock reads 2:00PM and I sit at my desk, or at home, and wonder why I want to eat. I'm not always hungry, and perhaps this means I am an emotional eater (I already know I totally am), but if I don't get something to chew on then I am going to break. 

90% of the time I go for sugar free mints or gum! I want to shout THANK YOU from the mountain tops for the master mind behind the fruit punch flavored mints. Heaven yall, they came from heaven. 

Anywho, we aren't here for you to read about my mint obsession, what you are here for is to read about another cool snack that is 100% protocol. 


You're allowed 1 cup of corn a week. So why not use it as popcorn? NOW, 1 cup of kernels is enough popcorn to last, like a month, so use this recipe below and spread out your little snacks for those moment of "I HAVE TO EAT SOMETHING NOW". 

(Remember, this will count as part of your daily vegetable so be aware) 


1/4 cup pop corn kernels
Glass Bowl
Ceremic Plate

Place 1/4 cup pop corn kernels in bowl & place plate on top

Turn microwave on and listen closely as you DON'T want it to burn (or maybe you do, but I won't call you weird because that's not nice. ) 


Put it in a brown paper bag!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Recipe - Tuna/Salmon Patties

When I was younger my dad would make my sister and me dinner at his house; and being a single dad, he often made what he knew. By that I mean a lot of eggs, lettuce with a lump of dressing on top, fresh veggies from the garden, fried okra & squash, sandwiches and, my favorite, salmon croquettes. 

I absolutely loved those things, and they were easy to make as well, so it was one of the first things I learned to cook. Canned salmon, an egg, and saltine crackers, mix it up and stick it in the frying pan. The mixing with my hands part might have been the whole reason I loved this so much. I got to play with the food, get messy, and eat something tasty all at the same time. It was a true WIN + WIN! 

I have been craving them for a while now and knew that I couldn't have the crackers, so I just ignored the craving. Then on Monday I decided that I already had everything at home (no grocery store run required -- another win) to make tuna patties. 

So this is how I made them, and let me just tell you...delicious. 

Tuna/Salmon Patties

Ingredients:                                                                          Serving Size 2 (16 oz of tuna)
  • 4 cans of white tuna (in water) (or canned salmon if you like that better)
  • 1/2 lemon juice
  • Sea Salt & Pepper to taste
  • 1/2 white onion chopped
  • Green onion chopped (as much or as little as you'd like)
  • 1 TBSP minced garlic
  • garlic powder & onion powder to taste (optional)
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 TBSP of coconut oil

  • Drain your tuna, put everything in a bowl (except for the oil) and mix together. 
  • In the skillet put 2 TBSP of coconut oil & let it get hot
  • Form patties with your hands and carefully place in the skillet
  • Let the patties brown on the bottom & then flip
  • Once the patty is cooked to your liking remove from skillet and enjoy. 

(4 cans of tuna made 6 patties = 16 oz so my husband and I just each ate 3 = 8oz or protein each) 

These are a new favorite of ours! Let me know what you think!

Happy Wednesday! 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Recipe - Bruschetta Chicken

Delicious & nutritious tastes just like....chicken. 

I made this last night based on THIS recipe. I just switched out the olive oil for coconut oil and a few other minor changes. Below is the modified recipe for Stimulock

It is so fresh, and such a nice way to mix up the protocol foods so you don't get tired of making the same ole things over, and over, and over. 

Bruschetta Chicken

  • 10 oz of boneless skinless chicken breast (this makes two if you want left overs make more)
  • 4 or 5 small tomatoes, chopped
  • 2 clove garlic, minced
  • 1/2 small red onion, chopped
  • 1 tbsp. Coconut Oil 
  • 1 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar
  • sea salt & pepper to taste
  • Handful basil, chopped
  1. In a large skillet, put 1 Tbsp of coconut oil in the bottom. Place chicken in skillet and sprinkle with chicken seasonings. Cook chicken to your liking. (or you can bake the chicken)
  2. Meanwhile, combine chopped tomatoes, garlic, onion, coconut oil, balsamic vinegar, sea salt and basil in a bowl. Refrigerate until chicken is ready to be served and spoon over top of the chicken. Enjoy!

Monday, February 2, 2015

February Deal!! - STIMULOCK Share the LOVE


Buy More, Save more
2nd bottle $119 ... save 15% ($21)
3rd bottle $112 ... save 20% ($28)
4th bottle $105 ... save 25% ($35)

* Each NEW client MUST purchase a book for $10

* Clients still earn $10 referral for new clients and can apply to order.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need assistance marketing this promotion.

Thank you.

Contact me to get started today!! 

Friday, January 30, 2015

Recipe - Italian Chicken

One of my wonderful clients (& friend) sent me a photo tonight (below) of her amazing meal & she shared the recipe with me! It both looks & sounds delicious! 

Thanks Ashlee for sharing! Yall give her some love & follower her on Instagram @ashleelohman 

Serving size - 2 

2 5oz chicken breasts
2 cups halved cherry tomatoes
1/2 cup basil - or more per your taste
2 table spoons minced garlic
1 teaspoon oregano 
(Taste as you go and adjust seasonings based on your liking) 

Sauté the chicken in coconut oil first for 10 mins on medium until brown & cooked, add tomatoes & basil after chicken is cooked (or it gets soupy), serve & enjoy! 

Um. Yum! 

Thanks again Ash!! Share your favorite recipes with me and I will show you some love! We are all looking for new ways to cook up some protocol meals! 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Eating Out - You can have Chipotle!

Yes, this post title is the truth! 

You CAN have Chipotle on Stimulock!!

Can I get an "Amen"? 

I will tell you what you can have on the menu, and then I will tell you what I get.

- Chicken
- Steak
- Mild Salsa
- Medium Salsa
- Hot Salsa
- Corn Salsa
- Lettuce
- Veggies (you can ONLY eat the onions)
- Agua - of course ;)

- Chicken Bowl
- Mild & Medium Salsa
- Corn Salsa (this is your allowed amount of corn for the week)
- Lettuce
- Agua
- I shake it up and It. Is. Delicious.

You can probably see that you do not get 5oz of protein so you can either order double chicken, eat a boiled egg when you get home, or drink 1 scoop of an allowed protein powder.

What do you get when you eat out? What are your favorite places to eat out at while on Stimulock?

Bye Yall!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Stir Fry - Egg Roll In A Bowl

Hey Yall! Got a fun easy recipe for you!

As I have said, many times before, my favorite food is Chinese; since that is the case, I do my best to cook up a protocol friendly Chinese meal each week. 

Last night I made -- Egg Roll In A Bowl

Ingredients: (1 serving)

Cole Slaw Mix (bag kind) 
Chicken or Beef or Eggs (5oz)
1 Onion
Cauliflower / Other Choice Veggies
Low Sodium Soy Sauce or Braggs Liquid Aminos
Green onion
Powdered Ginger

Cook Chicken, however your would like, and set aside.
In a large skillet - put in onion, garlic, and other veggies.  Stir for a couple of minutes or until you like the texture of the onions. (if using egg, add 3 here = your 5oz of protein)
Then grab 2 handful's of the cole slaw mix (this will be your leafy green serving), and place into skillet.
Pour desired amount of Low Sodium Soy Sauce (or Braggs) over cabbage mix, and stir.
Sprinkle in powdered ginger, salt, and pepper to taste. Stir around until all veggies & cabbage are mixed well.
Cook until you like the consistency of the cabbage (I prefer for mine to be soft so I stir it for about 5 minutes)
Toss in your 5 oz of chicken/beef
Place on plate and sprinkle green onions on top


*** HINT - Making more than 1 serving? Just double your slaw mix & veggies and then half it down the middle and add your protein once you have split your greens/veggies on your plate. 

I love meals that are your protein, greens, and veggies ALL IN 1! 

I made enough for my husband and me for dinner, as well as lunch today! I'm excited about lunch time coming up! 

What did you have for dinner? Try a new recipe this week, that way you don't get burnt out on the same ole' thing!

Today is Tuesday, so we will be having our normal - TACO TUESDAY!

Make it a great day!


Monday, January 5, 2015


Where in the WORLD did 2014 go?
I feel like it was literally just 5 days ago. *snicker *snicker

No, but really, it went by so quickly. 

With the new year comes resolutions and I like many of you made it one of my resolution's to get to where I want to be in my weight. Some of you are probably thinking - "wait, didn't you JUST get to your size 6 goal?" Yes, yes I did, but after the holidays they are a little snug so I have two goals now...

1. Get in my size 6 comfortably again
2. Get to goal weight of 130 (no matter what SIZE I am in) 

I loaded Saturday and Sunday, so today is day #1 of my Stimulock Protocol, and I have to be real honest with yall. 

I love it. I love how healthy food makes me feel. Guiltless mind after you have finished your meal, satisfied tummy because you are full, and I get to wake up TOMORROW and SEE my weight loss on the scale! 

Win + Win + Win = WIN! 

Sure, I will have a moment, later this week I am sure, where I will want sugar...BUT I will NOT give in. I'm going strong. 

What are some of your hints for beating a sugar craving?

Mine are - 

1. drink a caffeine free diet soda
2. eat a couple sugar free mints
3. chew some sugar free gum

4. eat your allowed Sugar free jello

Let's kick off this year with a BANG! Tell me how you are doing! Have any good recipes you want to share? I'd LOVE to hear from you! 

- Fried Egg & Cinnamon Toast 

Snack - 1 Apple
Lunch - 5oz Lean Ground Beef Burger Patties (Aldi - visit here to see more)
1 Cup of Cucumbers
1 Orange Sugar Free Jello
Dinner - 5 oz Stir Fry Chicken (Recipe on Blog tomorrow) 1 1/2 Cups of Cole Slaw Mix (stir fried with chicken) (veggies and leafy greens)
Dessert - 12 Strawberries

1 gallon of water ( I DO NOT have to have this much, but I love why not?)

Parting Thought:
This could be the LAST year "losing weight" could be your New Years Resolution! I KNOW Stimulock isn't the easiest "diet" out there. BUT IT WORKS FAST with LONG LASTING results. I have kept off 40+lbs for almost 2 years! I want to help you reach your weight goal. Contact me here if you want more information or want to get started!