Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Real Moment

As you might already know...eating healthy is hard...losing weight is hard...BUT if it were easy, everyone would be doing it!

One thing that keeps me motivated is the way I feel. I never feel better then when I am eating healthy and making smart food choices. Sure, it's not always easy, but if you can just choose the healthiest food where ever you are (always go for the protein) then you will be successful in this journey to a healthy life...not just a healthy few weeks!

Here is my "real moment".

My grandmother passed away a week ago so I had to travel (10 hour road trip). Well in the same weekend of her funeral I had my nephews 3rd birthday party and my sisters baby shower. Needless to say with all the travel, cake, cake, and more cake...I fell off the wagon. I gained back 6lbs BECAUSE I didn't stick to protocol and I ate "carelessly".

When I got home and weighed myself, I knew that I had to take responsibility and have a apple/steak day and GET BACK ON TRACK. I am responsible for what I put in my mouth, and you are responsible for what you put in yours. Let's do our best to take mental control and get to our goal weight!

With Easter just around the corner I plan to not deviate from the Stimulock Protocol. I want to prove to myself that I can be surrounded by pies and Easter eggs, packed full of candy, and be satisfied with eating healthy and losing some weight in the process!

Be looking for my Easter Day food ideas!

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Smothered Pork Chops

This recipe is SUPER easy and has a ton of flavor! I'm not the biggest fan of onions, but I ate them up with this. (Don't be jealous of my fine china ;) ) 

Smothered Pork Chops

Lean thin cut pork chops with the fat cut off the sides
1 onion
I can't believe it's not butter spray
Crushed Garlic 
Garlic Powder

Turn the burner on Medium heat
Cut the onion, separate the sections, and put in the skillet with butter spray and crushed garlic (as much or as little as you want)
Sprinkle garlic powder on each side of the pork chop
Once the onions have caramelized remove them from the skillet and set to the side. 
Place pork chops in the same skillet and cook through
Once all the pork chops are cooked put the onions back in the skillet and place a lid on the top on low heat for about 5 minutes.  
Remove from skillet and serve. 

*Be sure to weigh your pork chops before you put onions on them as to get 5oz (3 of them added up to 5oz for us)

It was so yummy! 

This recipe goes great with corn and a green smoothie!