Friday, October 3, 2014

6X26 Goal Update && A Selfie :)

Hello!! Took my first "selfie" on my new iPhone 6+ JUST for you!! :)) 

Sorry I haven't updated about my 6X26 goal! I've officially been 26 for a week today and I'm happy to report that I DID fit in a six. However it wasn't comfortable orrr flattering, so back to protocol I go after my birthday trip to New Orleans and my new goal is to be a size 6 (comfortably) by our trip to San Fran in 1 month. 

I can totally do it!! I promise to update more often during my next journey towards my goal! 

Some of you may be asking, "aren't you upset that you didn't fit comfortably in a six by your 26th? I mean wasn't that your goal?" To those of you that might be thinking that, my answer to you is I am beyond proud of how far I came in such little time. I feel like a million bucks -- I just happen to still be a million bucks that is wearing a size 8 baggy jeans because I refuse to have a muffin top in a 6. :) 

I have a ton of energy, I feel awesome, I'm craving HEALTHY food - so to me it's a win win! 

It's always important to be proud of yourself in my opinion. So I am! Now time to focus on getting there for this next goal!! 

Talk to talk soon! I'm working on some new recipes for yall! 

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