Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Journey Began - Stimulock System

Hey Y'all,
My name is Kayla and I am married to the most wonderful man on the planet, JW.

Like many people, our lives have been consumed with calorie counting, points systems, pants sizes, and just everything weight loss. We have both struggled with our weight our entire lives, but we decided no longer. After seeing the jaw dropping results of our friends, Todd & Erica and their transformation with Stimulock, we decided to get our bottles, and get this show on the road.

JW and I began our Stimulock journey in 2013 and within only 40 days JW had lost almost 80lbs. I was on the Stimulock System for about 60 days and lost 40LBS. I went from a size 16 to a size 8. JW went from a 40/42 to a size 34. We both feel better than ever.

After my success with Stimulock I wanted the opportunity to share this amazing product with all of my friends/family so I am now offically a Stimulock Practitioner. If you are ready to lose weight, in a healthy/all natural way, I would love to get you started.

Each week I commit to posting a new recipe, results, uplifting stories from other Stimulock clients, and anything that I feel will help you on your new weight loss journey!

E-Mail Me for more information - kayla.stimulock@gmail.com

I am here to help you the entire way!

MY Before & After

JW's Before & After
My Friend Erica & Ashlee's Results

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