Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Water + Water + Water = Bathroom...and more


If you are on the Stimulock journey then you know water is a VITAL part of your day, but how do you keep from getting TIRED of plain water?

I'm so glad you asked.

There are so many fun ways to liven up your water. Add fruit, add lemon juice, drink herbal tea (decaf) instead (counts towards your water intake). Below is a photo I found on Pinterest that shows some fun ways to add some flavor to water.

Those look so yummy to me. I, unlike a lot of people I know, LOVE water and the plain taste is A OK with me. BUT if you are not like me, try some of the examples above and let me know which one you like best.
Fun facts about what water does for us:
Water is good for you! When in doubt try the instructions below.
What are some tips you have for drinking all of your daily water?

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