Monday, January 27, 2014

Success Story In The Making - Christy Ingalls

This is an incredible story about a sweet friend that began her Stimulock journey not too long ago. I am so glad that her husband, Jared, saw the amazing transformation in mine and JW's journey that he asked JW this question -

"What are you doing to lose all your weight?"

Of course JW told him all about the Stimulock System and the rest is history. Be encouraged as you read her story. If you would like to begin your own Stimulock Journey click here and we can get you started SOON!


Hi. My name is Christy and I started my Stimulock journey on July 27, 2013. I weighed my heaviest that I have ever been on that morning. I was depressed at the number I saw and felt even worse physically. I could barely walk when I got out of bed in the morning, my feet would hurt so badly. My back and knees were in a constant state of soreness.  I often woke up with headaches and generally felt bad. The funny thing is that I didn’t realize just how horrible I felt until I started Stimulock.  The first 2 load days were fun! I ate what I would normally eat, and then I would eat even more! All I had to do was take my drops 3 times a day. I didn’t weigh my 2 load mornings. I was truly terrified to see how much more weight I had put on.  Then the real work began. My first 2 days after my load days were rough. I was in total detox. My body was finally getting rid of all the harmful toxins I had been putting into it for the last 40 years.  I have been on almost every diet known to man and I’m even a Lifetime member of one particular weight loss plan. It took me a couple of days to really start to feel comfortable with the plan. Once I got the hang of it, I was off to the races.

 One of the biggest benefits to my success, so far, has been joining Celebrate Recovery. I decided I needed to do something different this time. I didn’t want to fail yet again. I joined CR in February of 2013. I was going so that I could deal with my food issues. I knew all of the “right” foods and portions that I should be eating…..I just seemed to have no willpower to stop myself. So, once I had started to figure out what some of my root issues were with food and my emotions, I felt strong enough to take the next step. That’s where Stimulock came in. My husband, Jared, has a co-worker that was doing Stimulock. He and his wife were having huge success with the program, so he asked what they were doing and how we could get hooked up with a consultant.  The rest is history, as they say. We got our first order, had all the information we needed and we picked a start date.  I tell people now, when they ask me how I achieved my success thus far, that it’s just as important to find an eating plan that works as it is to figure out why we are eating what we are eating.

As a way to keep myself motivated and encouraged, I have given myself rewards for goals met. I started with 25 pound goals. At my first 25 pounds lost, I got my ear pierced. At 50 pounds down, I got an anchor tattoo inspired by Hebrews 6:19 “This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.” NLT version. At 75 pounds down, I got another tattoo! As you can figure out, I love tattoos. Find out what you love, and make sure to set goals for yourself and fun rewards. We are doing hard work, so when we succeed; we need to celebrate those victories!

I am currently down 80 pounds. I do not have a goal weight in mind. I’m getting my body fat percentage measured. As soon as I get into health range for that reading, I will start on my maintenance phase. I encourage you to stick with it! Remember, you can’t fix what you are putting in your mouth until you fix what’s going on with your head and heart. You are not your past, so don’t define yourself by it. Today can be the first day of the rest of your life!

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