The Struggle is REAL yall.
I am doing really well, down 4.2lbs since Monday and feeling great, but these
co-workers of mine keep bringing in these sweets!
I walk in on Monday, head back to the kitchen to refill my water bottle and BAM - chocolate covered Oreos and rice crispy treats...ON STICKS. It would be so easy to just grab 10 and eat them, BUT I didn't. By Tuesday afternoon they were all eaten and I thought I was in the clear.
One of our sweet new interns at work decided to bring in home made brownies. Can't a girl get a break?
Then Wednesday rolls around and one of our new team members brings in, listen to this...fruity pebble rice crispy treats.
I can't make this stuff up yall. IT HAPPENED. Bam, Bam, Bam, I felt like I was in a boxing match with Sugar and I was about to get knocked out.
Through will power, and just sheer ignoring the sweets I made it through.
I walk into the kitchen this morning - a whole new tub of chocolate covered oreos were making their appearance.
I'm going to start bring a gallon of water with me every day so I can avoid the kitchens. (Disclaimer, I don't have to drink a gallon every day, I choose to because I really like water, and it makes my hair grow!)
I personally chose today, after seeing the new sinful cookies, to make a longer trip to the other kitchen to avoid them at all cost.
A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.
Bye Yall - Hope sugar isn't stalking you this week.
Hey sweet friends!
It's been a while since I have uploaded any new recipes, or really just anything for that matter.
Sorry about that. Life has been a fast ride recently giving me very little time to just sit down and blog.
Never-the-less, here I am and I have an exciting goal to tell you all about!
My 26th birthday, which also happens to be my Golden birthday is on September 26th, and I have set a goal to be a size 6 by my 26th (6X26). With the help of the Stimulock System I know that I can get to my goal in no time!
I just have to be determined to get this last bit of weight off and get to my goal.
Nothing that is given to you in life is as sweet as something you had to work for, and trust me I like sweets. I have a mean sweet tooth, so this goal IS going to be accomplished and it IS going to be oh so sweet!
Some of the obstacles I might face will be planned trips in August, my best friend coming to visit in just a couple of weeks, and then the ever dreaded weekends. Don't get me wrong, I love the weekends, but I like the routine of work days...they help keep me on track and focused vs. my mind wondering off to candy land.
I just need to be prepared for those few times when sticking to protocol might pose a few challenges, and I will be A-OK!
Feel free to follow along in my journey. I hope something I share will help you in your Stimulock journey as well!
Let's GetFit together!
Bye Yall!